本文共 8257 字,大约阅读时间需要 27 分钟。
数据库对层次结构的处理模型有好多种,可以根据自己的需求来设计模型,当然最简单的也是最容易设计的模型就是所谓的邻接模型。在这方面,其他数据库比如Oracle 提供了现成的分析方法 connect by,而MySQL在这方面就显得有些薄弱了。 不过可以用MySQL的存储过程实现ORACLE类似的分析功能
create table country ( id number(2) not null, name varchar(60) not null);create table country_relation (id number(2), parentid number(2));
-- Table country.insert into country (id,name) values (0,'Earth');insert into country (id,name) values (2,'North America');insert into country (id,name) values (3,'South America');insert into country (id,name) values (4,'Europe');insert into country (id,name) values (5,'Asia');insert into country (id,name) values (6,'Africa');insert into country (id,name) values (7,'Australia');insert into country (id,name) values (8,'Canada');insert into country (id,name) values (9,'Central America');insert into country (id,name) values (10,'Island Nations');insert into country (id,name) values (11,'United States');insert into country (id,name) values (12,'Alabama');insert into country (id,name) values (13,'Alaska');insert into country (id,name) values (14,'Arizona');insert into country (id,name) values (15,'Arkansas');insert into country (id,name) values (16,'California');
-- Table country_relation.insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (0,NULL);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (2,0);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (3,0);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (4,0);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (5,0);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (6,0);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (7,0);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (8,2);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (9,2);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (10,2);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (11,2);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (12,11);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (13,11);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (14,11);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (15,11);insert into country_relation (id,parentid) values (16,11);
在Oracle 里面,对这些操作就比较简单了,都是系统提供的。
1). 查看深度,
select max(level) "level" from COUNTRY_RELATION a start with a.parentid is NULLconnect by PRIOR a.id = a.PARENTIDorder by level; level---------- 4已用时间: 00: 00: 00.03
2). 查看叶子节点
select name from (select b.name, connect_by_isleaf "isleaf"from COUNTRY_RELATION a inner join country b on (a.id = b.id) start with a.parentid is NULL connect by prior a.id = a.PARENTID ) T where T."isleaf" = 1;NAME--------------------------------------------------CanadaCentral AmericaIsland NationsAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaSouth AmericaEuropeAsiaAfricaAustralia已选择13行。已用时间: 00: 00: 00.01
3) 查看ROOT节点
select connect_by_root b.namefrom COUNTRY_RELATION a inner join country b on (a.id = b.id) start with a.parentid is NULL connect by a.id = a.PARENTID CONNECT_BY_ROOTB.NAME--------------------------------------------------Earth已用时间: 00: 00: 00.01
4). 查看路径
select sys_connect_by_path(b.name,'/') "path" from COUNTRY_RELATION a inner join country b on (a.id = b.id) start with a.parentid is NULL connect by prior a.id = a.PARENTID order by level,a.id;path--------------------------------------------------/Earth/Earth/North America/Earth/South America/Earth/Europe/Earth/Asia/Earth/Africa/Earth/Australia/Earth/North America/Canada/Earth/North America/Central America/Earth/North America/Island Nations/Earth/North America/United States/Earth/North America/United States/Alabama/Earth/North America/United States/Alaska/Earth/North America/United States/Arizona/Earth/North America/United States/Arkansas/Earth/North America/United States/California已选择16行。已用时间: 00: 00: 00.01
接下来我们看看在MySQL 里面如何实现上面四种情形:
mysql> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT IFNULL(parentid,-1)) AS LEVEL FROM country_relation;+-------+| LEVEL |+-------+| 4 |+-------+1 row in set (0.00 sec
mysql> SELECT b.`name` AS root_node FROM -> ( -> SELECT id FROM country_relation WHERE parentid IS NULL -> ) AS a, country AS b WHERE a.id = b.id;+-----------+| root_node |+-----------+| Earth |+-----------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
3). 查看叶子节点
mysql> SELECT b.`name` AS leaf_node FROM -> ( -> SELECT id FROM country_relation WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT IFNULL(parentid,-1) FROM country_relation) -> ) AS a, country AS b WHERE a.id = b.id;+-----------------+| leaf_node |+-----------------+| South America || Europe || Asia || Africa || Australia || Canada || Central America || Island Nations || Alabama || Alaska || Arizona || Arkansas || California |+-----------------+13 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql>
4) 查看路径
DELIMITER $$USE `t_girl`$$DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `sp_show_list`$$CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `sp_show_list`()BEGIN -- Created by ytt 2014/11/04. -- Is equal to oracle's connect by syntax. -- Body. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_country_list; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_country_list (node_level INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, node_path VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL); -- Get the root node. INSERT INTO tmp_country_list SELECT 1, CONCAT('/',id) FROM country_relation WHERE parentid IS NULL; -- Loop within all parent node. cursor1:BEGIN DECLARE done1 INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE i1 INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE v_parentid INT DEFAULT -1; DECLARE v_node_path VARCHAR(1000) DEFAULT ''; DECLARE cr1 CURSOR FOR SELECT parentid FROM country_relation WHERE parentid IS NOT NULL GROUP BY parentid ORDER BY parentid ASC; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done1 = 1; OPEN cr1; loop1:LOOP FETCH cr1 INTO v_parentid; IF done1 = 1 THEN LEAVE loop1; END IF; SET i1 = i1 + 1; label_path:BEGIN DECLARE done2 INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done2 = 1; -- Get the upper path. SELECT node_path FROM tmp_country_list WHERE node_level = i1 - 1 AND LOCATE(v_parentid,node_path) > 0 INTO v_node_path; -- Escape the outer not found exception. IF done2 = 1 THEN SET done2 = 0; END IF; INSERT INTO tmp_country_list SELECT i1,CONCAT(IFNULL(v_node_path,''),'/',id) FROM country_relation WHERE parentid = v_parentid; END; END LOOP; CLOSE cr1; END; -- Update node's id to its real name. update_name_label:BEGIN DECLARE cnt INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE i2 INT DEFAULT 0; SELECT MAX(node_level) FROM tmp_country_list INTO cnt; WHILE i2 < cnt DO UPDATE tmp_country_list AS a, country AS b SET a.node_path = REPLACE(a.node_path,CONCAT('/',b.id),CONCAT('/',b.name)) WHERE LOCATE(CONCAT('/',b.id),a.node_path) > 0; SET i2 = i2 + 1; END WHILE; END; SELECT node_path FROM tmp_country_list; END$$DELIMITER ;
mysql> CALL sp_show_list();+-----------------------------------------------+| node_path |+-----------------------------------------------+| /Earth || /Earth/North America || /Earth/South America || /Earth/Europe || /Earth/Asia || /Earth/Africa || /Earth/Australia || /Earth/North America/Canada || /Earth/North America/Central America || /Earth/North America/Island Nations || /Earth/North America/United States || /Earth/North America/United States/Alabama || /Earth/North America/United States/Alaska || /Earth/North America/United States/Arizona || /Earth/North America/United States/Arkansas || /Earth/North America/United States/California |+-----------------------------------------------+16 rows in set (0.04 sec)Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)mysql>